Friday 15 May 2015

(ACTUALLY) Curly Hair Tips

Hey Everyone,

(I got a little carried away in the beginning scroll down for lots of amazing tips I have gathered from personal experience.)

If you have curly hair, this may be for you. 

If you have REALLY curly hair, you might find this useful. 


If your hair is out-of-control, wildly, un-tame-ably, curly, this is your blog post. 

I'm talking to the girls that get the 'do you brush it?'. 

I'm talking to the girls who get the 'omg its so big!' 

I'm talking to you if your hair has ever been compared to a lion's mane.  

I'm Robyn Banks, and I'm one of you.

Here is your proof. This is really me. This is my hair in all it's glory- on a good day. I definitely do NOT however wake up like this.

I've been there, I've hated my hair. I've wished that my hair was straight. I've wished that my hair was thin, and I've tried everything under the sun to make those dreams come true.

I have read countless blogs and watched countless beauty gurus tell me how to deal with curly hair. But the issue was... none of them had curly hair at all. The closest person that I had found was a girl named Andrea's Choice (she still has much nicer, easier hair than mine). She has a youtube channel with hair styles (actually useful), product recommendations (don't work), and just beauty tips in general which I will link here. After all of this, all I have really learned is that you have to try it. It's completely necessary to experiment until you find what is right for your curls. No two curls are exactly alike is my theory, we are like snowflakes ladies. It makes us special and unique. And now, after discovering what works for me and my one-of-a-kind-curls, I can confidently say that I have learned to love my curly hair.

Three things that REALLY helped were...

1. Anti-Curl Relaxer.
     If you're like me you hear relaxer and immediately panic. My older sister had to try it first before I would trust it at all too. But be brave, it's a life changer. The one that I use is very mild, it merely tames, doesn't fry it straight like some of the others. This treatment simply loosens your teeny tiny extra tight curls.

2. Pantene Products
     I really love a lot of the pantene products right now. For me, my hair gets very dry (PERK: never had to worry about greasy hair a day in my life) so it's really important to have a good conditioner. Nothing works better than pantene curl-defining conditioner. I've tried 'morrocan-oil', ordered 'wen', fell for the clever title on the bottle 'mixed chicks', and even -at the recommendation of a friend- used horse conditioner. Pantene makes my hair feel soft and smooth and strong like no other. (Pro-tip: only shampoo your curly hair like twice a week, it really doesn't need it). 
     Another favourite that comes from Pantene is their mousse. The one in the pink bottle is a life saver. It actually holds my hair, keeps it soft and curly for up to three days. The only thing, I feel obligated to tell you, if that if youre using enough for it to really work is that your hair might be a little 'crispy' on day one. But it's only until the product has a chance to really soak in. Day two, three (sometimes four), are miracles though, and to me, it's worth it. Plus I think the way that it soaks in is part of the reason my hair is so silky smooth when I wash it out.

3. Olive Oil Conditoning Treatments
     Even with my beloved pantene, I still need something extra about once a month or so to really pamper my hair. The Olive Oil conditioning treatment really sooths my head and scalp and my hair comes out shinier than ever.

I hope these tips were very helpful and can assist my fellow curly, curly, super-extra curly girlies in learning to love their hair the way I have learned to love mine.

AND if you have any of your own personal pro-tips, I am always open to options.

-Robyn Banks

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